Use "sequester|sequestered|sequestering|sequesters" in a sentence

1. The boreal forest sequesters more carbon than any other terrestrial ecosystem.

2. Everything he owned was sequestered.

3. 19 The estate was sequestered.

4. 3 Everything he owned was sequestered.

5. Cloistered: screened or sequestered from view.

6. Sequestering CO2 by accelerated curing of concrete (McGill and others)

7. The jury were sequestered during the trial.

8. 18 synonyms for Confiscate: seize, appropriate, impound, commandeer, sequester, expropriate

9. Bioplastics can sequester carbon, especially when made from waste biomass.

10. He also rejected their requests to sequester the jury.

11. 2 The jury were sequestered during the trial.

12. 18 synonyms for Confiscate: seize, appropriate, impound, commandeer, sequester, expropriate

13. 14 The retired film star sequestered herself from the world.

14. So, fungi and mycelium sequester carbon dioxide in the form of calcium oxalates.

15. Sequestration and dispersion force of different kinds of sequestering a - gent are tested.

16. 13 The old lady sequestered herself from all strangers.

17. Following an assassination attempt, they'll sequester the high value targets, that's protocol.

18. How much carbon is sequestered, and for how long?

19. It also discounts a geological-time-honoured way to sequester carbon.

20. 6 How much carbon is sequestered, and for how long?

21. He sequesters himself in a small working office, sleeves rolled up, tie off, reading mail, making overseas calls.

22. The jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.

23. Rosa, why are you sequestered Over by this old cell phone?

24. How Cloistered and constitutionally sequestered from the market and from scandal!

25. Legal definition for ABANBUN or Abandum: Anything sequestered, proscribed, or abandoned

26. 17 She knew sequestered spots where the hens laid their eggs.

27. To sequester CO2 in concrete products through accelerated early-age curing in production.

28. 11 Lili's father was tremendously rich until the government sequestered all his property.

29. 5 This jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.

30. Synonyms for Confiscate include expropriate, sequester, appropriate, commandeer, impound, seize, sequestrate, attach, annexe and annex

31. Synonyms for Commandeer include appropriate, seize, expropriate, take, confiscate, arrogate, usurp, sequester, sequestrate and annexe

32. Lili's father was tremendously rich until the government sequestered all his property.

33. This jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.

34. Nor did he grant the plaintiffs' request to sequester the panel until they reach a verdict.

35. Barring an emergency, the jurors will not be sequestered until they begin deliberations.

36. He spends his days climbing the greasy pole, gnawing at the foundations of society and Beadily confiscating and sequestering public goods.

37. Confiscate verb seize, appropriate, impound, commandeer, sequester, expropriate, sequestrate They Confiscated weapons, ammunition and propaganda material

38. Seafloor Authigenic carbonate deposits sequester carbon in what is thought to be a geologically stable phase.

39. Confiscate verb seize, appropriate, impound, commandeer, sequester, expropriate, sequestrate They Confiscated weapons, ammunition and propaganda material

40. 23 Histologically, the mass lesion was diagnosed as a dorsally sequestered disc herniation.

41. 1 The jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.

42. Those of you who are selected to serve on this panel will be sequestered.

43. 28 Amino acids combined in tRNA complexes may be regarded as sequestered, or compartmented.

44. Society should significantly expand researchinto geoengineering solutions that remove and sequester greenhousegases already in the atmosphere.

45. 12 Barring an emergency, the jurors will not be sequestered until they begin deliberations.

46. So we had to use the other bathroom while Herman occupied that sequestered place.

47. This method reduces toxic pollution and makes it easier to capture and sequester gases like carbon dioxide under ground.

48. Lipid Bilayer, a fluid barrier to permeability, with polar head groups exposed and hydrophobic tails sequestered

49. Synonyms for Cordoned include taped, fenced, sealed, sequestered, shut, closed, isolated, quarantined, segregated and separated

50. Synonyms for Curtained include sheltered, secluded, hidden, cloistered, isolated, sequestered, covert, reclusive, remote and retired

51. 21 Those of you who are selected to serve on this panel will be sequestered.

52. 15 It was a sequestered place, enclosed and embraced in a single,( winding valley.

53. 20 Massive amounts of extracellular fluid may be sequestered in the area of peritoneal injury.

54. After their conviction the contents of the Pethick-Lawrences' country home were sequestered by the courts.

55. 25 Parader and police produce conflict, 147 people meet with sequestered, a police officer gets hurt.

56. Regular blood tests of the sequestered biospherians showed increased levels of pesticides and herbicides in their blood.

57. 27 Methods: The clinical materials of the 123 Patients suffering sequestered lumbar disc herniation were studyed retrospectively.

58. Rain forests play an important role in maintaining biological diversity, sequestering and storing carbon, global climate regulation, disease control, and pollination.

59. Mercury adsorbed from combustion gas by activated carbon can be sequestered in concrete containing air entraining admixtures.

60. Mercury adsorbed from combustion gas by activated carbon can be sequestered in concrete containing air-entraining admixtures.

61. 22 After their conviction the contents of the Pethick-Lawrences' country home were sequestered by the courts.

62. Confiscate: 1 v take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority “The police Confiscated the stolen artwork” Synonyms: attach , impound , seize , sequester sequester requisition forcibly, as of enemy property Types: condemn appropriate (property) for public use garnish , garnishee take a debtor's wages on legal orders, such as

63. I found a sequestered spot at the bottom of the garden and lay down with my book.

64. These tumors are rare and 50% to 70% are germinomas that arise from sequestered embryonic germ cells.

65. 8 It is assumed that holders of other sequestered shares will now try to regain their voting rights.

66. 4 I found a sequestered spot at the bottom of the garden and lay down with my book.

67. Afforestation, reforestation and the integration of trees into other land uses can reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels by sequestering carbon in tree biomass

68. 9 Regular blood tests of the sequestered biospherians showed increased levels of pesticides and herbicides in their blood.

69. Brucite [Mg (OH)2] is a hydroxide mineral that is most often thought of as an ex situ option for sequestering CO 2 (Harrison et al., 2013)

70. Republicans are already drawing up proposals to protect defence from the sequester, but Mr Obama says that he would veto any such attempt.

71. Cloistered: 1 adj providing privacy or seclusion “the Cloistered academic world of books” Synonyms: reclusive , secluded , sequestered private confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy adj of communal life sequestered from the world under religious vows Synonyms: cloistral , conventual , monastic , monastical unworldly not

72. Clathrates are a form of crystalline water ice that can trap gas molecules inside their structure, effectively sequestering it until the ice is destabilized by heat or force

73. There are other obstacles too: Some insects, such as sea shrimp, cause food allergies; others sequester toxins from plants or may harbor pesticide residues.

74. Biochar is widely seen as the successor to biofuels on grounds that it will sequester carbon and improve soil fertility while also producing energy

75. 18 Liu's two employees, dressed in white, are strictly sequestered so no outside bacteria infect the small wheels of Camembert.

76. 29 People who are obese have low levels of vitamin D in their blood because it's sequestered in their overabundant fat cells.

77. These dyes aggregate in the tumor cells, especially in the lipid membranes, and/or are sequestered and concentrated in subcellular organelles.

78. We will invent much improved methods to harness the sun, the wind, nuclear power, and capture and sequester the carbon dioxide emitted from our power plants.

79. Our Biomimicry Solutions Report: Carbon presents a cross-sector look at technologies inspired by nature that can help minimize, sequester, and use carbon

80. 7 Yet even when he was sequestered and suspended he still kept his privileges and immunities as an officer of Chancery.